TenDlite utilizes state of the art technology used on Pro Athletes by today’s leading Doctors, Physical Therapists and Trainers.
Now with TenDlite, you can Successfully treat your Injury at Home for a fraction of the cost.
TenDlite® is a LED Light Therapy Remedy that boosts the tennis elbow treatment up to 60% by speeding up your body's natural healing reaction. TenDlite® works in 2 simultaneous ways:
a. Pain, inflammation and stiffness reduction. It physiologically boosts the local metabolic rate, which speeds up the healing process in the area of your tendonitis by aiding lymphatic drainage. TenDlite® regulates severe or chronic Tennis Elbow safely and effectively, easing swelling stimulating tissue healing, and decreasing edema and bruising.
b. Restoration, regeneration, and rebuilding. TenDlite® helps the connective tissue of your tendon at the cellular level by encouraging the fibroblast cells to start the process of wound repair by producing new collagen -- important for wound repair, and also 86% of what tendons are made of. This is why fast collagen reproduction is vital to the health of the injured joint. It re-establishes flexibility, elasticity, and strength, and all you have to do is let TenDlite® activate your body's own healing process. Collagen reproduction can be sped up 60% by TenDlite®, a key element for the recovery of your Tennis Elbow.
The 5 Steps Tennis Elbow treatment is divided into 2 simple stages:
1. R.I.C.E. - Start your Tennis Elbow treatment using first aid for your joint. You'll need to follow the well-recognized technique in sports medicine called R.I.C.E., which stands for REST, ICE, COMPRESSION and ELEVATION. The 4 steps of R.I.C.E. should all start immediately and are easy to follow!
Rest is a very significant part of the healing process -- your tendon needs this break. Rest will continue to be important throughout the treatment in order to have an effective recovery from Tennis Elbow. Discontinue all the activity that causing you the elbow pain and rest for at least 3 weeks. it can be tricky to avoid overuse of something so necessary as your elbow, but by allowing yourself plenty of comfortable rest time and altering your movements to lessen the strain on your elbow, you can do it. Failure to rest your elbow well puts you at risk for unnatural repair or chronic inflammation of your tendon.
b. ICE
Ice is a natural anti-inflammatory. By placing a cold treatment, such as a cold pack, on the outside of your elbow, it will get the swelling down and reduce the pain a little bit. Utilize ice immediately after you were injured or re-injured and continue using it for the first 2 days for 20-30 minutes at a time, no less than 3 times a day.
Simple compression of the elbow joint is used to cut back on the swelling generated by the inflammatory process. The best type of bandage to use is an elastic bandage, such as an ace bandage easily obtained at the drug store; plastic bandages may get too tight, compromising blood flow and leading to ischemia. The bandage should be snug, but comfortable, still allowing for suitable blood flow and muscle contraction.
Elevation reduces swelling by helping blood return to the circulatory system. Along with decreasing edema (swelling), the new, healthy circulation brought about by elevation even helps remove waste from inside the affected elbow area. While resting, keep your elbow elevated above the hear level. There should be no additional discomfort or effort while you do this; keep comfortable by using pillows.
This phase may be started as soon as a few days after the damage, or any time if the injury you're treating is already chronic. Since you've reduced the swelling with R.I.C.E., you're ready to cure the tendon.
2 . TenDlite THERAPY - TenDlite® LED Light Therapy Device
TenDlite® is a LED Light Therapy Remedy that boosts the tennis elbow treatment up to 60% by speeding up your body's natural healing reaction. TenDlite® works in 2 simultaneous ways:
a. Pain, inflammation and stiffness reduction. It physiologically boosts the local metabolic rate, which speeds up the healing process in the area of your tendonitis by aiding lymphatic drainage. TenDlite® regulates severe or chronic Tennis Elbow safely and effectively, easing swelling stimulating tissue healing, and decreasing edema and bruising.
b. Restoration, regeneration, and rebuilding. TenDlite® helps the connective tissue of your tendon at the cellular level by encouraging the fibroblast cells to start the process of wound repair by producing new collagen -- important for wound repair, and also 86% of what tendons are made of. This is why fast collagen reproduction is vital to the health of the injured joint. It re-establishes flexibility, elasticity, and strength, and all you have to do is let TenDlite® activate your body's own healing process. Collagen reproduction can be sped up 60% by TenDlite®, a key element for the recovery of your Tennis Elbow.
Omega-3 supplements have become popular for the treatment of Tennis Elbow, and with good reason. This essential unsaturated fatty acid helps to heal the tendon from the inside out by reducing inflammatory markers from fat tissue, cutting down on the swelling in muscles and joints.
Brace your elbow using an elbow brace. They're easy to find, easy to wear, and will ease the strain on the affected tendon and help to prevent provoking pain. The stabilizing brace is also a protective measure against further damage.
a. Rehabilitation - Gradually apply light resistance to your elbow with an outward motion of your forearm. After the initial movement, gently stretch your forearm muscles for 30 seconds, stopping at pain. Rehabilitation is an important step to ensure the health of your tendon and keep it accustomed to movement. Keep up a daily rehab routine for 3 weeks.
b. Evaluation - By this step, you should have an idea of how your Tennis Elbow is progressing. If you still feel pain after 3 weeks of following the prior steps, don't push yourself onward. Rest and repeat steps 1-5 for another 3 weeks and see how you feel then.
If your elbow does feel better and stronger, closer to normal, you can proceed with further rehabilitation while continuing to use TenDlite® daily.
Back to Your Activities
It's time to return to your activity! By now, you'll be ready to return to your day-to-day life -- your tendon is strong enough to take that step. However, be careful not to fall into the same patterns that caused your Tennis Elbow, or you'll find yourself starting from Step 1 again! Always warm up your elbow tendon before exercising and follow by stretching out your forearm and doing 1-2 minutes of TenDlite® therapy. This will ensure that the tendon is getting enough stimulation toward the production of collagen and complete recovery of elasticity. It also helps to prevent the formation of poor scar tissue. After this therapy, it's important to avoid injury; scar tissue can cause chronic tendonitis.
How Long Is Recovery From Tennis Elbow?
Recovery from tendonitis usually takes weeks to months to disappear, based on the severity of your injury. Following the above treatment plan with care, however, will help to lessen your recovery time a much as possible.
If your pain persists after this Tennis Elbow treatment, please visit your doctor for further medical investigation.
You need to see your doctor if you encounter any of the following symptoms:
These could be signs of another problem that requires more urgent attention.