Shoulder tendonitis is a highly common physical problem among people of all age groups. Whether you hurt your shoulder joint while throwing the baseball or due to improper sleeping postures, the truth is that shoulder tendonitis can take a really long time to heal itself. Often, without any proper shoulder tendonitis therapy, the inflammation of the rotator cuff can persist for many years. Shoulders are used more than we necessarily realize and it always comes into play when we move our hands or our upper region of the body. It is common to experience the pain when someone tries to lift something or raise the arm above the shoulder height but even without causing the pain, the problem may always be there.
Most people bank upon pain killers pills to reduce the instantaneous pain. The adverse aspect is that such pills do not offer shoulder tendonitis therapy but simply act as inhibiting agents that reduce the pain. Pain relief pills have side effects that are known to all and are not certainly advised for teenagers or elderly adults. Steroids are often opted for the therapy of shoulder injuries, but they are losing popular acceptance since no one wants to simply opt for a drug that is never advised by any prominent health expert.
If shoulder tendonitis gets severe and there is a rotator cuff tear associated with impingement syndrome, then surgeries are often promoted as a solution for shoulder tendonitis therapy. But given the expenses and the invasive method, it is not a surprise that people shy away from such shoulder tendonitis therapy option.
There is a unique therapy for shoulder tendonitis that is highly convenient, cost effective and is absolutely safe to use. Now, whenever we suffer from shoulder pain, a natural and traditional tendency is to apply ice over the joints. This is a great way to start. Ice is not only a natural pain repellant but also calms the senses. Following this exercise, you can use the new LED Red Light Therapy of Tendlite to heal the tendons, the inflammation of which is the root cause of shoulder tendonitis.
The Tendlite device is cleared by the FDA and has no adverse side effects. It is highly penetrative and reaches the ligaments and the joints. It is small to carry and can be used anywhere and anytime of the day. The LED light, also enhances the natural healing ability, which coupled with other benefits, make it the best solution for shoulder tendonitis therapy.