Tendlite utilizes state of the art technology used on Pro Athletes by today’s leading Doctors, Physical Therapists and Trainers.
Now with Tendlite, you can Successfully treat your Injury at Home for a fraction of the cost.
By increasing your body’s own natural healing reaction, therapy with Tendlite speeds up your Achilles tendon treatment up to 60% and encourages the body to heal itself. Tendlite Achilles Tendon Treatment works in 2 ways at once:
a. Anti-inflammatory & Analgesic - By reducing pain, swelling and stiffness. Tendlite boosts the metabolic rate at the site of your injury, giving it more “energy” to facilitate the lymphatic drainage it needs to heal faster. It regulates serious or chronic tendonitis inflammation, encouraging tissue healing and reducing edema and bruising.
b. Restoration, regeneration, and rebuilding - By restoring and regenerating the tendon’s connective tissue at the cellular level. Since tendons are made of fibroblast cells, which are 86% collagen, Tendlite’s encouragement of the fibroblasts to produce new collagen is a key component for the complete recovery of your tendonitis. Fast collagen reproduction is the key to the treatment of the damaged joint; it re-establishes flexibility, elasticity and strength. Tendlite speeds up this process up to 60%.
Healing takes time, but by following the complete 5 Steps Achilles Tendonitis Treatment, your pain will be consistently reduced after 3 weeks instead of the 6 weeks it typically takes for the tendon to recover. In some severe cases, Achilles tendonitis injuries can take up to a year.
But the good news is: Achilles Tendonitis can be Cured! This is a drug free Achilles tendonitis treatment. Our steps have helped many Achilles tendonitis sufferers find a cure and avoid surgery.
The 5 Steps Achilles Tendonitis Treatment is divided into two simple phases:
R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation)The very first step in your Tendonitis Treatment is basic first aid for your joint. Have you heard of the well-known sports medicine acronym “R.I.C.E.”? It stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. As soon as you feel the flare-up of acute tendonitis symptoms, start and continue all the steps of R.I.C.E.:
Stop the movement that was causing the pain and rest for 3 weeks. You will have to adapt your activities that include use of your foot and lower leg during this rest period; the less pain-inducing movements, the better. True rest is extremely important if you want success in your Achilles tendon treatment in order to start the recovery process! Failing to rest well can put you at risk for improper tissue healing, and as a result, further injury.
Use cold therapy for 2 days right after you get injured. Ice is a natural inflammatory and a natural anesthetic — it will help take the swelling and pain down. It’s easy to rest your calf on top of a cold pack; if you don’t have one, gently placing ice wrapped in a towel under your inflamed tendon will also work. The first 2 days are the most important time for ice in a tendonitis injury, so for the first 48 hours, apply it in sessions of 20-30 minutes, three times a day. Apply again if you get re-injured.
Compression might sound painful against an injury, but in fact, it’s used to lessen the inflammation created by the tendon’s inflammatory process. By wrapping an elastic bandage — rather than a plastic one, which can compromise blood flow by getting too tight — around the area of your tendonitis, you’ll be helping your tendon heal. It should be snug, but with room to breathe and contract your muscles underneath. You still want to be able to move and maintain proper blood flow.
Elevating your Achilles injury greatly reduce swelling by increasing the return of healthy blood to the circulatory system. Besides the decrease in edema (swelling), the restored circulation will even help by getting rid of unnecessary waste from the area. While at rest, comfortably prop your affected foot and leg up with pillows. You want the elevation to be above heart level, so the trick is to make sure your foot is higher than your knee.
By increasing your body’s own natural healing reaction, therapy with Tendlite speeds up your Achilles tendon treatment up to 60% and encourages the body to heal itself. Tendlite Achilles Tendon Treatment works in 2 ways at once:
a. Anti-inflammatory & Analgesic - By reducing pain, swelling and stiffness. Tendlite boosts the metabolic rate at the site of your injury, giving it more “energy” to facilitate the lymphatic drainage it needs to heal faster. It regulates serious or chronic tendonitis inflammation, encouraging tissue healing and reducing edema and bruising.
b. Restoration, regeneration, and rebuilding - By restoring and regenerating the tendon’s connective tissue at the cellular level. Since tendons are made of fibroblast cells, which are 86% collagen, Tendlite’s encouragement of the fibroblasts to produce new collagen is a key component for the complete recovery of your tendonitis. Fast collagen reproduction is the key to the treatment of the damaged joint; it re-establishes flexibility, elasticity and strength. Tendlite speeds up this process up to 60%.
An additional way to keep your tendon healthy is to help it from within with supplements. Omega-3 is an essential unsaturated fatty acid that can’t be made by the body. Taking Omega-3 supplements decreases the output of inflammatory markers from fat tissue, which simply means that the inflammation in your muscles and joints will be reduced.
Brace your Achilles tendon using a brace suited to the area — these can be found at most pharmacies. This will ease the strain on the affected tendon and help to prevent provoking pain. The stabilizing brace is also a protective measure against further damage. Just like the compression, make sure the brace fits well but is not too tight.
Rehabilitation – Rehabilitation is an important step to ensure the health of your tendon and keep it accustomed to the movement you want to get back to. Your tendon needs to be gently retrained to become stronger. Start by using a light resistance. The movements should be slow and controlled, followed by stretching.
Evaluation – By this step, you should have an idea of how your Achilles tendon is doing. If you still feel pain after 3 weeks of following the prior steps, don’t push yourself onward. “No pain no gain” isn’t the motto of tendonitis or tendinosis. Rest and repeat steps 1-5 for another 3 weeks and see how you feel then. If your tendon does feel better and stronger, you can move forward with rehabilitation while continuing to use Tendlite daily.
It’s time to return to your activity! By now, you’ll be ready to return to your regular activities — your foot and leg are strong enough to take that step. Always warm up your Achilles tendon before exercising, however, and stop each movement before the point of pain. Follow by stretching your tendon the opposite direction. Sitting down, you can pull your toes toward yourself with a towel for an easy, effective stretch of your Achilles tendon. Follow with 1-2 minutes of Tendlite therapy in order to ensure that the tendon is getting enough stimulation toward the production of collagen and complete recovery of elasticity. It also helps to prevent the formation of poor scar tissue. After this therapy, it’s important to avoid injury; scar tissue can cause chronic tendon problems.
If your pain keeps persisting after your activities, stretching, and therapy, visit your doctor for further investigation.