If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return your order to the warehouse for a Full Refund.
We believe that in order to have the best possible online shopping experience, our customers should not have to worry with hidden fees, special catches or exceptions. All we ask is that you send the items back to us in the state you received them, in the original and complete case and also make sure that the merchandise is in the same condition. We understand that you need to use the device in order to try it, just please be careful, avoiding dings and scratches. The Tendlite is build to last, with a strong and robust stainless-steel body, dings are very unlikely.
So if for whatever reason you're not happy with your purchase, just email us at returns@tendlite.com with your Order # and we will send your RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization).
If the return is a result of our error or if the item is damaged faulty, we’ll also pay the return shipping costs.
As part of our 60-Day return policy, all returns will need to be postmarked by the postal carrier within 60 days of purchase.
Once your return is received and inspected by our fulfillment centers (usually within 72 hours of receipt),your refund will be processed and a credit will be automatically applied to your credit card or original method of payment within 7 days.
Please note that depending on your credit card company, it may take an additional 2-10 business days after your credit is applied for it to post to your account.